One Star YELP reviews… of National Parks

The National Park Service turns 99 years old on Tuesday (HAPPY BIRTHDAY!).

To celebrate its awesome, an article over at Mother Jones points out those who might not be as enthusiastic about our national treasures. For example: Yelp is filled with one- and two-star reviews of America’s most pristine and majestic natural wonders.

And I CAN NOT STOP READING THEM. I would like to join the author in thanking those individuals who dislike the great outdoors for leaving the campgrounds a little bit less crowded. And so you can join me in my mirth, I have posted some excellent examples below:

Carlsbad Caverns



Petrified Forest

petrified Petrified

Crater Lake

craterlake Craterlake

Death Valley

deathvalley DeathValley



olympic Olympic


yosemite Yosemite